We produce 4,500 man hours per month with capabilities of producing 500-700 thousand pounds of product per month
- All our Machinists are BCIT Certified
- All our Fabricators are BCIT Certified c/w CWB Welding Tickets
- All our Apprentice Fabricators are BCIT Certified
- All our Welders are CWB Certified
Steel Suppliers in Our Area
- Varsteel (5 min from VFM)
87,000 sq/ft c/w 24" Saw, 24' Brake, 20' Shear and High Def Plasma
- Spartan Metal (Beside VFM)
(2) 24" Saws, (2) High Def Plasmas and Burning Table

Shop #1
- 7,000 sq/ft
- Two remote controlled 11,000 lb cranes
Shop #2
- 8,000 sq/ft
- Two remote controlled 22,000 lb cranes
Shop #3
- 10,000 sq/ft
- Three remote controlled 22,000 lb cranes.
Shop #4
- 6,000 sq/ft
- Two remote controlled 22,000 lb cranes.

Machine Shop
- 31,000 sq/ft
- All Mazak CNC Equipment
Mobile Equipment
- One 25,000 lb Combilift
- One 10,000 lb Combilift
- One 7,000 lb Forklift
Paint Facility
- 4000 sq/ft
- Heated and vented
- Sand-blasting
- Two part epoxy coatings
- Standard industry enamel coatings